iOS app extension integration

Integrating Appfigurate Library into iOS app extensions

iOS app extensions can be developed in both Swift and Objective-C.

Appfigurate Library works in most types of iOS app extensions.


You must perform the following before starting iOS app extension integration:

Add AppfigurateLibrary.xcframework to the iOS app extension target

In Xcode, tap on your iOS app extension target.

Tap the General tab. Tap the + button under the Frameworks, Libraries section.

Select AppfigurateLibrary package.

Share the iOS app APLConfiguration subclass with the iOS app extension

Share the iOS app's APLConfiguration subclass with the iOS app extension.

Open your APLConfiguration subclass (e.g. Configuration.swift/m file) into the Xcode editor.

In the Target Membership inspection pane tick on your iOS app extension target.

Setup Keychain Sharing in the iOS app extension

Tap on your iOS app extension target.

Tap the Signing & Capabilities tabs. Add a Keychain Sharing capability with a Keychain Groups value that will be common across the iOS app and iOS app extension.

We recommend you have a .shared suffix on your Keychain Groups value.

Setup Keychain Sharing in the iOS app

Tap on your iOS app target.

Tap Signing & Capabilities tabs.

Add a Keychain Sharing capability with the same Keychain Groups value you entered for the iOS app extension above.

Edit Info.plist in the iOS app

In your iOS app's Info.plist file (right click, Open AsSource Code) include the APLKeychainAccessGroup key replacing the value with your Keychain Sharing's Keychain Groups value.

Info.plist example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

If the APLKeychainAccessGroup key is not defined, then keychain access group functionality is not used. Do not specify an empty or otherwise invalid APLKeychainAccessGroup value.

iOS app extensions automatically use the Info.plist file from the containing iOS app. You do not need to modify the iOS app extension's Info.plist file.

Test your iOS app extension

To test that you've successfully updated your iOS app extension to use Appfigurate:

  • Compile and run your app to the Simulator instance.

  • Launch the Appfigurate Simulator app.

  • Tap your applications row. The app will be run and made visible, it's configuration read, and then swap back to Appfigurate.

  • Appfigurate's Configure app screen will now be displayed. You can now change the debugLogging and serverURL properties. Tap Apply⌄ to apply the configuration to your app.

  • Invoke your app extension. It should be using the shared configuration applied to the app.

Last updated