
Objective-C (iOS, watchOS)

BOOL properties must be either YES or NO. The default value of a BOOL property is NO. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

BOOL switch interface

BOOL properties should be declared in your APLConfiguration subclass header file as follows:

@property(assign) BOOL propertyName;

BOOL switch implementation

BOOL_PROPERTY(propertyName, description, restart)

Allows the BOOL property to be changed in Appfigurate using a switch. If restart is YES, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL logging;


@implementation Configuration

BOOL_PROPERTY(logging, @"Enable debug logging to console", NO);

Appfigurate UI element example

Swift (iOS, watchOS)

Bool properties must be either true or false. The default value of a Bool property is false. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

Bool switch implementation

@BoolProperty(description, restart)
var propertyName: Bool

Allows the Bool property to be changed in Appfigurate using a switch. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @BoolProperty(description: "Enable debug logging to console", restart: false)
    var logging: Bool

Appfigurate UI element example

Java (Android)

boolean properties must be either true or false. The default value of a boolean property is false. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

boolean switch implementation

@BooleanProperty(description, restart)
public boolean propertyName;

Allows the boolean property to be changed in Appfigurate using a switch. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Java example


public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @BooleanProperty(description = "Enable debug logging to console", restart = false)
    public boolean logging;

Appfigurate UI element example

Kotlin (Android)

Boolean properties must be either true or false. The default value of a Boolean property is false. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

Boolean switch implementation

@BooleanProperty(description, restart)
var propertyName = false

Allows the Boolean property to be changed in Appfigurate using a switch. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Kotlin example


public class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @BooleanProperty(description = "Enable debug logging to console", restart = false)
    var logging = false

Appfigurate UI element example

Dart (Flutter for iOS, Flutter for Android)

The flutter APLNativeConfiguration class defers to the underlying platform APLConfiguration (iOS) or (Android) subclass to read property values.

bool implementation

bool get propertyName => nativeBool('propertyName');

Dart example

import 'package:appfigurateflutter/appfigurateflutter.dart';

public class Configuration extends APLNativeConfiguration {

    bool get logging => nativeBool('logging');

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