Plain String

Objective-C (iOS, watchOS)

The default value of a NSString is nil. You must change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

@property(strong) NSString* propertyName;

This page describes plain textual strings. Appfigurate also supports encrypted strings.

NSString editable implementation

STRING_PROPERTY_EDIT(propertyName, regex, description, restart)

The NSString property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field with an optional regular expression validating input.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSString* usernameOverride;


@implementation Configuration

STRING_PROPERTY_EDIT(usernameOverride, @"", @"Overridden session username", NO);

Appfigurate UI element example

NSString list implementation

STRING_PROPERTY_LIST(propertyName, description, restart, ...)

The NSString property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSString* backgroundColorHex;


@implementation Configuration

STRING_PROPERTY_LIST(backgroundColorHex, @"Color of background", NO, @{@"LightGray": @"#d3d3d3", @"White": @"#ffffff", @"Beige": @"f5fcdc"});

Appfigurate UI element example

NSString editable list implementation

STRING_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT(propertyName, regex, description, restart, ...)

The NSString property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field and an optional regular expression validating input.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSString* foregroundColorHex;


@implementation Configuration

STRING_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT(foregroundColorHex, @"^#([a-f0-9]{6})$", @"Color of foreground", NO, @{@"Black": @"#000000", @"MistyRose": @"#ffe4e1", @"LightBlue": @"add8e6"});

Appfigurate UI element example

Swift (iOS, watchOS)

The default value of a String is nil. You must change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

This page describes plain textual strings. Appfigurate also supports encrypted strings.

String editable implementation

@StringPropertyEdit(regex, description, restart)
var propertyName: String

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field with an optional regular expression validating input.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @StringPropertyEdit(regex: "", description: "Overridden session username", restart: false)
    var usernameOverride: String

Appfigurate UI element example

String list implementation

@StringPropertyList(description, restart, values)
var propertyName: String

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @StringPropertyList(description: "Color of background", restart: false, values: ["LightGray":"#d3d3d3", "White":"#ffffff", "Beige":"f5fcdc"])
    var backgroundColorHex: String

Appfigurate UI element example

String editable list implementation

@StringPropertyListEdit(regex, description, restart, values)
var propertyName: String

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field and an optional regular expression validating input.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @StringPropertyListEdit(regex: "^#([a-f0-9]{6})$", description: "Color of foreground", restart: false, values: ["Black":"#000000", "MistyRose":"#ffe4e1", "LightBlue":"add8e6"])
    var foregroundColorHex: String

Appfigurate UI element example

Java (Android)

The default value of a String is null. You must change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

This page describes plain textual strings. Appfigurate also supports encrypted strings.

String editable implementation

@StringPropertyEdit(description, regularExpression, restart)
String propertyName;

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field with an optional regular expression validating input.

Java example


public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @StringPropertyEdit(description = "Overridden session username", regularExpression = "", restart = false)
    public String usernameOverride;

Appfigurate UI element example

String list implementation

@StringPropertyList(description, keys, values, restart)
String propertyName;

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices.

Java example


public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @StringPropertyList(description = "Color of background", keys = {"LightGray", "White", "Beige"}, values = {"#d3d3d3", "#ffffff", "f5fcdc"}, restart = false) 
    public String backgroundColorHex;

Appfigurate UI element example

String editable list implementation

@StringPropertyListEdit(description, regularExpression, keys, values, restart)
String propertyName;

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field and an optional regular expression validating input.

Java example


public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @StringPropertyListEdit(description = "Color of foreground", regularExpression = "^#([a-f0-9]{6})$", keys = {"Black", "MistyRose", "LightBlue"}, values = {"#000000", "#ffe4e1", "add8e6"}, restart = false)
    public String foregroundColorHex;

Appfigurate UI element example

Kotlin (Android)

The default value of a String is null. You must change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

This page describes plain textual strings. Appfigurate also supports encrypted strings.

String editable implementation

@StringPropertyEdit(description, regularExpression, restart)
var propertyName: String? = null

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field with an optional regular expression validating input.

Kotlin example


class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @StringPropertyEdit(description = "Overridden session username", regularExpression = "", restart = false)
    var usernameOverride: String? = null

Appfigurate UI element example

String list implementation

@StringPropertyList(description, keys, values, restart)
var propertyName: String? = null

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices.

Kotlin example


class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @StringPropertyList(description = "Color of background", keys = ["LightGray", "White", "Beige"], values = ["#d3d3d3", "#ffffff", "f5fcdc"], restart = false) 
    var backgroundColorHex: String? = null

Appfigurate UI element example

String editable list implementation

@StringPropertyListEdit(description, regularExpression, keys, values, restart)
var propertyName: String? = null

The String property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field and an optional regular expression validating input.

Kotlin example


class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @StringPropertyListEdit(description = "Color of foreground", regularExpression = "^#([a-f0-9]{6})$", keys = ["Black", "MistyRose", "LightBlue"], values = ["#000000", "#ffe4e1", "add8e6"], restart = false)
    var foregroundColorHex: String? = null

Appfigurate UI element example

Dart (Flutter for iOS, Flutter for Android)

The flutter APLNativeConfiguration class defers to the underlying platform APLConfiguration (iOS) or (Android) subclass to read property values.

The underlying platform property value can either be a plain textual string or an encrypted string.

String implementation

String get propertyName => nativeString('propertyName');

Dart example

import 'package:appfigurateflutter/appfigurateflutter.dart';

public class Configuration extends APLNativeConfiguration {

    String get foregroundColorHex => nativeString('foregroundColorHex');

Last updated