
Objective-C (iOS, watchOS)

float is a single-precision 4 byte floating-point type with an approximate range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.

The default value of a float is 0.0. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

@property(assign) float propertyName;

float slider implementation

FLOAT_PROPERTY_SLIDER(propertyName, minValue, maxValue, icon, description, restart)

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a slider between minimum and maximum values. You can customize the minimum and maximum images using the icon parameter. If restart is YES, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, assign) float maxDecibel;


@implementation Configuration

FLOAT_PROPERTY_SLIDER(maxDecibel, 60.5, 120.41, APLIconSliderVolume, @"Clipping - decibels", NO);

Appfigurate UI element example

float editable implementation

FLOAT_PROPERTY_EDIT(propertyName, minValue, maxValue, regex, description, restart)

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is YES, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, assign) float shotAccuracy;


@implementation Configuration

FLOAT_PROPERTY_EDIT(shotAccuracy, -2.1, 4.1, @"", @"Shot accuracy", NO);

Appfigurate UI element example

float list implementation

FLOAT_PROPERTY_LIST(propertyName, description, restart, ...)

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. If restart is YES, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, assign) float rating;


@implementation Configuration

FLOAT_PROPERTY_LIST(rating, @"Quality rating", NO, @{@"Low": @10.0, @"Average": @50.0, @"Excellent": @95.0});

Appfigurate UI element example

float editable list implementation

FLOAT_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT(propertyName, minValue, maxValue, regex, description, restart, ...)

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is YES, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Objective-C example

@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, assign) float forwardServerTime;


@implementation Configuration

FLOAT_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT(forwardServerTime, 0.0, 366.0, @"^(0?[0-9]?[0-9]|[1-2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-5])?(?:\\.\\d+)?$", @"Forward server time (days)", NO, @{@"7 days": @7.0, @"1 month": @30.0, @"1 Year": @365.0});

Appfigurate UI element example

Swift (iOS, watchOS)

Float is a single-precision 4 byte floating-point type with an approximate range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.

The default value of a Float is 0.0. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

Float slider implementation

@FloatPropertySlider(min, max, icon, description, restart)
var propertyName: Float

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a slider between minimum and maximum values. You can customize the minimum and maximum images using the icon parameter. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @FloatPropertySlider(min: 60.5, max: 120.41, icon: .volume, description: "Clipping - decibels", restart: false)
    var maxDecibel: Floatswift

Appfigurate UI element example

Float editable implementation

@FloatPropertyEdit(min, max, regex, description, restart)
var propertyName: Float

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @FloatPropertyEdit(min: -2.1, max: 4.1, regex: "", description: "Shot accuracy", restart: false)
    var shotAccuracy: Float

Appfigurate UI element example

Float list implementation

@FloatPropertyList(description, restart, values)
var propertyName: Float

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @FloatPropertyList(description: "Quality rating", restart: true, values: ["Low": 10.0, "Average": 50.0, "Excellent": 95.0])
    var rating: Float

Appfigurate UI element example

Float editable list implementation

@FloatPropertyListEdit(min, max, regex, description, restart, values)
var propertyName: Float

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Swift example

import AppfigurateLibrary

@objcMembers class Configuration: APLConfiguration {

    @FloatPropertyListEdit(min: 0.0, max: 366.0, regex: #"^(0?[0-9]?[0-9]|[1-2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-5])?(?:\.\d+)?$"#, description: "Forward server time (days)", restart: false, values: ["7 days": 7.0, "1 month": 30.0, "1 Year": 365.0])
    var forwardServerTime: Float

Appfigurate UI element example

Java (Android)

float is a single-precision 4 byte floating-point type with an approximate range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.

The default value of a float is 0.0f. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

float slider implementation

@FloatPropertySlider(description, minValue, maxValue, sliderIcon, restart)
float propertyName;

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a slider between minimum and maximum values. You can customize the minimum and maximum images using the sliderIcon parameter. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Java example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration;
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertySlider;
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.IconSlider;

public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @FloatPropertySlider(minValue = 60.5f, max = 120.41f, sliderIcon = IconSlider.IconSliderVolume, description = "Clipping - decibels", restart = false)
    public float maxDecibel;

Appfigurate UI element example

float editable implementation

@FloatPropertyEdit(description, minValue, maxValue, regularExpression, restart)
float propertyName;

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Java example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration;
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyEdit;

public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @FloatPropertyEdit(description = "Shot accuracy", minValue = -2.1f, maxValue = 4.1f, regularExpression = "", restart = false)
    public float shotAccuracy;

Appfigurate UI element example

float list implementation

@FloatPropertyList(description, keys, values, restart)
float propertyName;

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Java example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration;
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyList;

public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @FloatPropertyList(description = "Quality rating", keys = {"Low", "Average", "Excellent"}, values = {10.0f, 50.0f, 95.0f}, restart = false)
    public float rating;

Appfigurate UI element example

float editable list implementation

@FloatPropertyListEdit(description, regularExpression, minValue, maxValue, keys, values, restart)
float propertyName;

The float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Java example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration;
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyListEdit;

public class AppConfiguration extends Configuration {

    @FloatPropertyListEdit(description = "Forward server time (days)", minValue = 0.0f, maxValue = 366.0f, regularExpression = "^(0?[0-9]?[0-9]|[1-2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-5])$", keys = {"7 days", "1 month", "1 Year"}, values = {7.0f, 30.0f, 365.0f}, restart = false)
    public float forwardServerTime;

Appfigurate UI element example

Kotlin (Android)

Float is a single-precision 4 byte floating-point type with an approximate range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.

The default value of a Float is 0.0f. You can change the default value of the property by assigning a new value in an overridden reset method.

Float slider implementation

@FloatPropertySlider(description, minValue, maxValue, sliderIcon, restart)
var propertyName = 0.0f

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a slider between minimum and maximum values. You can customize the minimum and maximum images using the sliderIcon parameter. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Kotlin example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertySlider
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.IconSlider

class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @FloatPropertySlider(minValue = 60.5f, max = 120.41f, sliderIcon = IconSlider.IconSliderVolume, description = "Clipping - decibels", restart = false)
    var maxDecibel = 0.0f

Appfigurate UI element example

Float editable implementation

@FloatPropertyEdit(description, minValue, maxValue, regularExpression, restart)
var propertyName = 0.0f

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Kotlin example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyEdit

class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @FloatPropertyEdit(description = "Shot accuracy", minValue = -2.1f, maxValue = 4.1f, regularExpression = "", restart = false)
    var shotAccuracy = 0.0f

Appfigurate UI element example

Float list implementation

@FloatPropertyList(description, keys, values, restart)
var propertyName = 0.0f

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Kotlin example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyList

class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @FloatPropertyList(description = "Quality rating", keys = ["Low", "Average", "Excellent"], values = [10.0f, 50.0f, 95.0f], restart = false)
    var rating = 0.0f

Appfigurate UI element example

Float editable list implementation

@FloatPropertyListEdit(description, regularExpression, minValue, maxValue, keys, values, restart)
var propertyName = 0.0f

The Float property can be changed in Appfigurate by allowing the user to select from a predefined list of valid choices. The user can customize the list adding by additional values using a text field between minimum and maximum values, and an optional regular expression validating input. If restart is true, then the app will be restarted if the property value changes.

Kotlin example

import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration
import nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.annotations.FloatPropertyListEdit

class AppConfiguration : Configuration() {

    @FloatPropertyListEdit(description = "Forward server time (days)", minValue = 0.0f, maxValue = 366.0f, regularExpression = "^(0?[0-9]?[0-9]|[1-2][0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9]|36[0-5])$", keys = ["7 days", "1 month", "1 Year"], values = [7.0f, 30.0f, 365.0f], restart = false)
    var forwardServerTime = 0.0f

Appfigurate UI element example

Dart (Flutter for iOS, Flutter for Android)

The flutter APLNativeConfiguration class defers to the underlying platform APLConfiguration (iOS) or nz.co.electricbolt.appfiguratelibrary.Configuration (Android) subclass to read property values.

As Dart doesn't have a single-precision float data type, you should map to a double-precision double data type instead:

Dart property typeObjective-C property typeSwift property typeJava property type









float implementation

double get propertyName => nativeDouble('propertyName');

Dart example

import 'package:appfigurateflutter/appfigurateflutter.dart';

public class Configuration extends APLNativeConfiguration {

    double get volumeRange => nativeDouble('volumeRange');

Last updated