
The following github repositories are available to demonstrate the integration of Appfigurate Library into iOS, Android and Mobile Flutter apps and app extensions.


You must have the following installed:

  • Appfigurate Simulator or Appfigurate Emulator app installed into one or more iOS Simulators or Android Emulators (use the AppfigurateSE macOS or Windows apps for easy 1 click installation).


Note: You cannot have both the Objective-C and Swift example app and app extensions, installed on the same device, as they share the same URL Scheme and app identifiers.

To swap between language examples you must delete the existing app from the device and clear Xcode's DerivedData directory.

Swift example

Contains the following integrations:

  • iOS native app

  • iOS native app extension

  • iOS native app UI automation testing support

  • watchOS native app

  • watchOS native app extension

Installation instructions

git clone https://github.com/electricbolt/appfiguratesdk-swiftexample.git

In Xcode, open SwiftExample.xcodeproj

Ensure Appfigurate package dependency has been downloaded. (File ‣ Packages ‣ Reset Package Caches).

Select AppfigurateExample (Swift iOS) target, and choose the iOS Simulator that you previously installed Appfigurate Simulator into. e.g.

Tap Run.

Objective-C example

Contains the following integrations:

  • iOS native app

  • iOS native app extension

  • iOS native app UI automation testing support

  • watchOS native app

  • watchOS native app extension

Installation instructions

git clone https://github.com/electricbolt/appfiguratesdk-objcexample.git

In Xcode, open ObjCExample.xcodeproj

Ensure Appfigurate package dependency has been downloaded. (File ‣ Packages ‣ Reset Package Caches).

Select AppfigurateExample (ObjC iOS) target, and choose the iOS Simulator that you previously installed Appfigurate Simulator into. e.g.

Tap Run.


Note: You cannot have both the Java and Kotlin example apps installed on the same device, as they share the same URL Scheme and app bundle identifiers.

To swap between language examples you must delete the existing app from the device.

Kotlin example

Contains the following integrations:

  • Android native app

  • Android native app UI automation testing support (using Espresso)

Installation instructions

git clone https://github.com/electricbolt/appfiguratesdk-kotlinexample.git

In Android Studio, open the directory containing the projects build.gradle

Select AppfigurateExample Run/Debug Configuration, and choose the Android Emulator that you previously installed Appfigurate Emulator into. e.g.

Tap Run.

Java example

Contains the following integrations:

  • Android native app

  • Android native app UI automation testing support (using Espresso)

Installation instructions

git clone https://github.com/electricbolt/appfiguratesdk-javaexample.git

In Android Studio, open the directory containing the projects build.gradle

Select AppfigurateExample Run/Debug Configuration, and choose the Android Emulator that you previously installed Appfigurate Emulator into. e.g.

Tap Run.

Mobile Flutter

Contains the following integrations:

  • iOS app

  • Android app

Installation instructions

git clone https://github.com/electricbolt/appfiguratesdk-flutter.git

In Android Studio, open the directory containing the projects pubspec.yaml

Select main.dart Run/Debug Configuration, and choose the iOS Simulator or Android Emulator that you previously installed Appfigurate Simulator or Appfigurate Emulator into. e.g.

Tap Run.

Last updated