
Output source code snippets

In Appfigurate Simulator app, under the OBJ-C/IOS LIBRARY INTEGRATION section:

Tap Output header then tap Console.

Tap Output implementation then tap Console.

Tap Output UIAppDelegate snippet then tap Console.

Tap Output UIWindowSceneDelegate snippet then tap Console.

Tap Output Info.plist snippet then tap Console.

The output will appear in the macOS Console.app . Select the iOS Simulator device in the left hand pane. Type process:appfigurate in the search box in the top right.

Create APLConfiguration subclass

In your app, add a new Cocoa Touch class, subclassing APLConfiguration, called Configuration.

In your apps Configuration.h file, paste the .h header file output to the Console in Output source code snippets.

@import Foundation;
@import AppfigurateLibrary;

@interface Configuration : APLConfiguration

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSString* serverURL;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL debugLogging;


In your apps Configuration.m file, paste the .m implementation file output to the Console in Output source code snippets.

Note: your public key output to the Console in Output source code snippets will be different to the public key in the following example.

#import "Configuration.h"

@implementation Configuration

BOOL_PROPERTY(debugLogging, @"Log debug output to console", NO)
STRING_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT(serverURL, @"https:\\/\\/[\\w\\.-]+\\.yourappserver.com/.*", @"URL of app server", NO, @{@"Dev":@"https://dev.yourappserver.com/api", @"Prod":@"https://www.yourappserver.com/api"});

- (BOOL) allowInvalidSignatures {
    return YES;
    return NO;

- (NSString*) publicKey {
    // E4 8B B6 25 EE 01
    return @"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" \
        "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnD67fMex1KkP7kltlNaO\n" \
        "wncfzWUuWIH7C6xMPczJMPpmTNLkq1LhAhGfJMXByHHR4m9dqHO/pQZ1pFqtTSti\n" \
        "ZBw81DQqOHAINQEf1vhJw1b7EMOFUAsS98X32imT9mNC9ya8n8AB2b5giQpef9YJ\n" \
        "PHV0IPUo9t6DUQIOtMG5YLNqrFmp40HpW7r2vGmi8Vh7fCZHFwWS3QvsUqj4tYsr\n" \
        "S3IyVOGfiQXxrEVtfKM/ABtj7oxqe6rr/UYyFfVasqYxnUrL+RgnLieAO88dhtOh\n" \
        "dAHDAZiVMPnJ8CN42XShGNC6i1vQb0tg6op0KpoBCd94tVqB55wa+WpXAc86qF+t\n" \
        "EQIDAQAB\n" \
        "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";

- (void) reset {
    self.debugLogging = NO;
    self.serverURL = @"https://www.yourappserver.com/api";


Class APLConfigurationClass(void) {
    return [Configuration class];

The C APLConfigurationClass function must be implemented in your app otherwise a linker error will be issued. The recommended place to implement is at the bottom of your APLConfiguration subclass.

Edit Info.plist

In your apps Info.plist file (right click, Open As ‣ Source Code). Paste the Info.plist snippet output to the Console in Output source code snippets.


If you already have an existing CFBundleURLTypes array in your Info.plist file, then insert just the <dict> ... </dict> portion.

Update UIApplicationDelegate

In your apps AppDelegate.m file, include calls to APLApplicationOpenURL and APLDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions. Paste the UIApplicationDelegate snippet output to the Console in Output source code snippets.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
    return APLApplicationOpenURL(url);

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    return YES;

Update UIWindowSceneDelegate

If your app targets iPadOS 13+, in your apps SceneDelegate.m file, include a call to APLApplicationOpenURL. Paste the UIWindowSceneDelegate snippet output to the Console in Output source code snippets.

- (void)scene:(UIScene *)scene openURLContexts:(NSSet<UIOpenURLContext *> *)URLContexts {
    NSURL* url = [[[URLContexts allObjects] firstObject] URL];
    if (url != nil) {

Test your configuration

To test that you've successfully updated your app to use Appfigurate:

Compile and run Quickstart to the same Simulator instance that Appfigurate Simulator was run from previously.

Press Shift-Cmd-H to get back to the Simulator home screen.

Tap the Appfigurate app icon.

Tap the Quickstart row. The Simulator screen will briefly flicker as it swaps to the Quickstart app, reads its configuration and swaps back to Appfigurate.

Appfigurate will now be displayed and showing the following screen:

Since we added a BOOL_PROPERTY for debugLogging and STRING_PROPERTY_LIST_EDIT for serverURL, you can now change these configuration items at runtime. Tap Apply⌄ to apply the configuration to the Quickstart app.

Now jump to Supported property types.

Last updated