Introducing Appfigurate™️ 3

What is Appfigurate?

Appfigurate is a development platform that allows you to change local configuration properties and feature toggles in Android, iOS, watchOS, mobile Flutter and mobile React Native apps and app extensions, securely, at runtime.

  • Do your Xcode and Android Studio projects suffer from slow compilation and deployment times? Speed up development and testing by removing the edit‣compile‣deploy cycle, when you just need to change your apps local configuration properties.

  • Multiple test environments or slow CI/CD pipelines? Reduce your Xcode and Android Studio projects complexity by removing custom build schemes and flavors. Build, deploy and test just one app across multiple test regions.

What makes up the Appfigurate Platform?

Appfigurate consists of the following:

  • Appfigurate app for iOS Simulator and Android Emulator.

  • Appfigurate app for physical iOS and Android devices.

  • Appfigurate iOS and Android pre-packaged apps for real device cloud testing services.

  • AppfigurateSE macOS and Windows apps for easy 1 click installation of bundled iOS Simulator (macOS only) and Android Emulator apps, easy 1 click installation of iOS and Android pre-packaged apps for real device cloud testing services, manual encryption of strings, and Xcode source editor extension for automated encryption of strings (macOS only).

  • Static XCFramework library to link into your iOS/watchOS app and app extensions.

  • AAR library to link into your Android apps.

  • Appfigurate Flutter Plugin - supporting both iOS and Android apps.

  • Guides & API docs.

  • Example apps.

Supported languages

Appfigurate supports a variety of languages and toolings:

  • Xcode: Objective-C and Swift for iOS and watchOS apps and app extensions.

  • Android Studio (or Intelli-J): Kotlin and Java for Android apps. Dart for mobile Flutter apps.

  • Visual Studio Code: Dart for mobile Flutter apps. JavaScript for mobile React Native apps.

What does it cost?

Appfigurate app for iOS Simulator and Android Emulator, AppfigurateSE macOS and Windows apps, the libraries, docs and examples are made available to you at no cost. The Appfigurate app for physical iOS and Android devices require a small one-time purchase (about the price of a cup or two of coffee).

What happens to my data?

Appfigurate has no server or cloud component, your app metadata records (which include your private keys) are always under your control. We do use analytics on the website and in the apps, which is covered under our privacy policy. For physical device builds of Appfigurate, the app permission usage is described here.

How does Appfigurate work?

Appfigurate uses configuration payloads verified using digital signatures to ensure that only you can configure your app.

Each app that you develop and test; as an iOS, Android, mobile Flutter or mobile React Native developer using Appfigurate is represented by a record that we call app metadata. App metadata records consist of a unique URL Scheme and 2048 bit RSA private key.

The URL Scheme is used to launch your app in order to retrieve, apply or reset configuration. The private key is used to digitally sign the configuration payloads. You embed the corresponding public key into your app.

If the configuration payload and digital signature match, then the configuration payload is applied to your app, and your app's configurable properties are updated at runtime. You may optionally configure your app to be restarted automatically, if some properties are only used during the initialization of your app.

The configuration payload and digital signature are stored securely in your app's Keychain (Apple) or Encrypted Shared Preferences (Android).

How do I get started?

Jump to Getting Started for full information.

Last updated